Articles on: General Management

Change the language of your organisation

Changing the language of your organization is very easy. To do this, go to the administration section and click on 'academy.' Here, you can change the language of your organization.

The language of your organization has now been changed. Do you have both Dutch and non-Dutch learners? It is possible to set the language of the interface for each learner individually.

Setting User Language

When creating a new user, you can set the user's language. To create a user, go to 'users' in the administration and click on 'new user.' Enter the details of the new user here.

Under Language, specify the language in which the platform's interface should be displayed. This also determines the language of the invitation sent to this user. If you leave this field blank, the default language of the organization, set in the administration under 'academy,' will be chosen.

You can still change the language of the interface for a specific user in their profile. To do this, go to 'users' > click on the name of the user > click on 'profile.'

Read more about adding users in this article

A user can also change the language themselves

This can also be done in their own profile. It can be found on the front page, all the way to the top right.

Should we translate Pluvo into more languages? Which ones should these be? Send us a chat message or email!

Updated on: 05/04/2024

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