Articles on: Course modules

Integrating course modules with LTI 1.1.

Pluvo currently supports LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3 for integrating created content in Pluvo into another learning management system (LMS). The choice you make depends on the LTI version supported by the receiving LMS. If the LMS supports both versions, it's recommended to use LTI 1.3 because it's a newer and further developed standard. If that's not possible, you can use LTI 1.1. Below is how it works.

How do I create an LTI 1.1 integration?

An LTI 1.1 integration is always at the level of a course module (as opposed to LTI 1.3, where entire learning journeys can be integrated). To integrate a course module, you need a key and a secret.

Step 1: Open the administration and go to the overview of course modules.

Step 2: Click on the course module you want to integrate into the other system.

Step 3: A window will slide out. Click the settings tab to open settings and then click on LTI 1.1.

Step 4: Here you will find the launch URL, key, and secret of the course module. These need to be entered into the other platform to finalize the integration.

If you want to integrate more course modules, repeat the same steps. Each course module has its own unique key and secret. However, the launch URL is always the same.

How does the integration work in practice?

Very simple! Once the course modules are integrated into the other platform, access can be managed in the other platform. Participants click on the LTI module and are seamlessly redirected to the module in Pluvo without needing to log in again. The progress of participants can be viewed in both Pluvo and the other platform. An LTI user is identified by the 'external' label.

In the above image, you can see, on the far right of each user, the button to reset progress. If you want a user from the other platform to be able to start the module again from scratch, you can reset the progress in Pluvo just like you would with regular users.

Updated on: 12/04/2024

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